Saturday, April 23, 2005

Jumpstarting my novel?

It's been a while since I've added anything to my novel, but maybe I have something here to get me started again, I hope. There's certainly opportunity to develop this:

Maybe John attends some function, a fund-raiser. Maybe a charity thing. Maybe he meets a friend or acquaintance who's married but still trying to find the next Mrs. Doe. Does Mrs. Doe know? Most of these people are folks John would have never associated with or who would have never associated with him before he became a best-selling novelist. Showing up with Rebecca surly would put a jolt into some of them. Maybe she's had a run-in with a few of them; maybe reported on a shady deal or two. Of course, the new dress would temper the angst. She would definitely turn some heads. None of them had seen her like this before. Oh geez. What about the friend. He won't be able to keep his eyes off her. He doesn't even know they've been dating. Has it really been that long since they talked. John chuckles at the thought. What if Doe had seen Kate on TV. Would he have made up some excuse to go to KC for the weekend?


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