Saturday, October 03, 2015

JMU Football 5-0 for the first time

David and I were among the fans who braved windy, cool (high 40s) and misty weather today to watch JMU down Stony Brook 38-20 for the first 5-0 start in program history. Linda is still recovering from her recent hospital stay and watched the game online at home, where it was warm and dry.

Books I Have Read

I should have posted this a couple weeks ago when I finished reading "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game" by Michael Lewis. Even though it was published more than 10 years ago, still an interesting read.

Silver Lake, fall 2015

Silver Lake

Some photos I took in late September during evening bicycle rides. More photos here.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Novels I Have Read

Finished reading "Blandings Castle" by P.G. Wodehouse. It's the second Wodehouse book I have read and they're great. Blandings Castle is a collection of short stories. I'm glad I read "Uncle Fred In The Springtime" first. It introduced me to some of the characters in "Blandings Castle."

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Another John Grisham book read

After many stops and starts, I have finally finished reading Sycamore Row. I liked having the setting back in Clanton with the main characters from "A Time To Kill." I want to read "A Time To Kill" again and then read this one again, back to back. Overall, Sycamore Row is pretty typical Grisham, which I enjoy.

I have Grisham's latest book, Gray Mountain, but I will be reading my second book by P.G. Wodehouse ("Blandings Castle") and then "Money Ball" before I get to it.